
Book recommendations? ?

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Does anyone know if there is a website that suggests books that you might like if you like this book or this author?

Please recommend some too. I like:

Twilight Series- Stephenie Meyer

The Truth About Forever- Sarah Dessen

Jinx- Meg Cabot

Teen Idol- Meg Cabot

A Countess Below Stairs- Eva Ibbotson

Basically I like romance books with cute story lines. I also like supernatural romances with the vampires and stuff. Please suggest any books you think I would like based on these!!! Thanks!




  1. If you  haven't read them already, you might like The Mediator Series by Meg Cabot, Avalon High Series by Meg Cabot and Airhead is also really good (same author) As for the more supernaturl stories I would also reccomend the Daughters of the Moon series by Lynne Ewing.

    Very interesting.

  2. Go here, it's

  3. Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld  

  4. I was going to say twilight saga , but you already like that. Those are my favorite books , my second favorite books are Harry Potter, Also read the Host , also written by Stephenie Meyer!

  5. I suggest reading the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson.  They are about six kids. The oldest is called Max. She is around fourteen and is the leader. Fang is also fourteen but he is four months younger than Max and is her best friend. The third oldest is Iggy. He is blind due to an experiment. Iggy is fourteen and is six months younger than Max. Bomb making is one of his favorite hobbies. The eleven year old is Nudge. She is a very talkative kid. Very talkative. Next is eight year old Gasman(Gazzy for short) best friends with Iggy and although he doesn't have as many powers as his sister, Angel, his are awesome. Last is Angel. She is a very cute six year old, but sometimes her powers get creepy. She has more powers than anyone else. She and Gazzy are the only blood siblings in the group. Every kid listed above had been kidnapped or given from their parents to a place called the School as infants. There they had bird DNA grafted into them by scientists, or as they refer to them, whitecoats. Each one of those kids are 98% human and 2% bird. Because of that 2%, they have super acute hearing and vision(except for Iggy). And not to mention wings. At the School, the whitecoats did many cruel and abusive experiments on them, and the one they did on Iggy's eyes blinded him. While they weren't being experimented on, they lived in dog crates. When Max was ten, a whitecoat named Jeb felt sympathy towards the flock and kidnapped them away from there and took them to his home in Colorado with his son Ari. Two years later Jeb vanished and the flock assumed he was dead. Then they lived on their own. That is where the story starts. Its a very bad and sketchy summary type thing for such an awesome series but I hope it helps.  

  6. All of Sarah Dessen's books are amazing. Two other cute romance books are Something Borrowed and Something Blue by Emily Giffin. Also The Host by Stephenie Meyer is a good supernatural romance novel.


  8. try the princess diaries books by meg cabot

  9. I loved The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima, she is a relatively unknown but very very good.

    The Warrior Heir has a mix of fantasy and action with a little bit of romance, so if you liked Twilight you'll love this!

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