
Book reviews sample for university (Anthropology) class!?

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Anyways, I'm taking first year Anthropology, and my prof ask us to write a 900-1500 length book review which I've never tried before. So can anyone please suggest any good book reviews or sites as a sample for my book review? Just a little more professional plz, not as general as Thanks a million!! :D

p.s My book is more like a descriptional, study type of book, not a novel nor literature~




  1. One idea for how to structure a good book review on a technical subject book like this is to mimic some of the structure of the Spark Notes study guide outlines. I have found them really useful for getting into a challenging book. The idea of having an overview, then develop several themes in the book, then an outline and brief narration of what each chapter includes, and then some take away points for further questions or issues that could be developed from this work. Something like that?

  2. I think if you want to see what a profesional review looks like you need to look in somthing like the Journal of Anthropology.  I am sure there probably is one.  Any Journal will do.  They are peer reviews of papers writen in the academic world.  THey are the profesional review.  

    Good luck.

  3. Hi Jennifer C. Firstly let me wish you Bon Voyage into your chosen subject Anthropology. I know nothing of book reviews but, I have read many books on your subject. Some months ago I came across a book which really made me sit up. I took my time with it, cross referencing where I could, and when I had finished, all my conceived ideas on Anthropology were turned on their head. If you wish to have the book name and author then email me. If not there's no harm done. J B

  4. Read this

    then get another major.



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