
Book to unofficially diagnose a learning disability/adhd?

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My 14 year old son is going to have an evaluation for learning disabilities, in 4 months, to see what he has.

We are leaning towards either nonverbal learning disorder or adhd.

Is their a book that I can buy in the meantime that has a test or at least detailed criteria of different disorders so we can have an idea of what he has.




  1. Here is a site that will give you an overview of what the testing will include.

    You can also ask your pediatrician about information for specific learning disabilities.

    If your son's school will be conducting the testing and you don't agree with their findings, have your son independently tested and then request an ARD meeting (Admission, Review, Dismissal ) You have specific rights and your school is required by law to give you a parent's rights handbook.

    Good luck and remember that most schools will try to get out of giving anymore services than they absolutely have to .  If your son needs more resources, you will need to be his advocate.


  2. It seems unlikely that your child has a disability if it was not diagnosed by the time he was in second grade or so.  IMO, learning issues at age 14 are more likely to be psychological and based on peer group issues or early experimentation with drugs.

    Leave the diagnostics to the experts, please.

  3. For diagnostic criteria, you can look to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual- IV, TR edition, o even the ICD-10 (I think that's the number they are up to now!)  These are books used by medical and psychiatric professionals.  In the DSM-IVThe section in front covers childhood disorders.  Although, I'm not sure NVLD is in there yet, as researcher are still pinning that one down.  On the web, check out the National Center for Learning Disabilities for info.

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