
Booking 4 2 weeks in july to D/Rep, & found out its huricane season then.not sure wat 2 do. how bigs the risk?

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Booking 4 2 weeks in july to D/Rep, & found out its huricane season then.not sure wat 2 do. how bigs the risk?




  1. You will be fine, nothing to worry about. If you want some peace of mind, then look for weather history. We do have some rainy season in the year, but July it's definitely NOT one of them. Have fun in one of the most beatiful caribbean islands, take care and God bless.

  2. Here in Puerto Plata in 110 years 3 hurricanes so..... for Punta Cana the % of hurricanes are almost zero. So enjoy it!

    Happy to help you

    Happy Feet

  3. i went once during the hurricane season and there werent any severe storms...i went from june 23 to july 23

  4. have a look at previous years weather. we usually go in winter so dont have that problem.  i dont think july is very bad, but please dont take my word for it.

  5. Check the weather 3 days before you go.  Hurricaines don't hit like Tsunimis - you will know a few days ahead of time.  Normally you shouldn't have a problem.

    I just hope you didn't book a room at one of those all-inclusive places, they are an absolute nightmare.  Food for cattle, same thing repeats itself on the menu every four or five days, cheap booze (I mean: they actually serve white rum, yuck!).  Some of them actually even tell people it is dangerous to go outside!  That is the biggest load of cr*p ever, they just want to sell their tours!

    The DR is a beautiful place, go and enjoy!

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