
Booking A Flight with BA what will be the day quietest to travel?

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Booking A Flight with BA what will be the day quietest to travel?




  1. Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursday, Saturday and Sunday evenings

  2. Christmas Day

  3. Check the prices.  On busy days, the price goes up.  On quiet days, it's cheap.  Just remember that every day they try to fill up the plane - but you're sure of getting a seat.

  4. midweek. look on the ba website the flight prices differ during the week.

  5. Avoid early morning and tea time flights, they tend to be busy with business users. Tuesday & Wednesday all day, Thursday morning and Saturday afternoons can be quieter.


  6. sunday morning/afternoon. Monday to friday is full with people tavelling for business. Friday and satuarday is crazy, cause everyone is getting away for weekend.  

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