
Booking a hotel, question?

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Can I book a hotel room over the phone or over the internet with a visa gift card? I have a lot of the visa gift cards (enough to cover the hotel costs), and I want to stay at the certain hotel for about 3 weeks to a month. But I'm 15 without a parent joining me by the way. Will they let me?




  1. Running away?

    I doubt they will let a 15 year old check in without an adult. I also believe they will require a credit card for the reservation (even if you were to pay by other method once you are there and it's time to pay, such as cash, gift card, etc. you usually need a credit card to hold the reservation until you get there).  

  2. you have to be 16 i think in europe

    and its 18 in the states...

    so if youre under 18, they wont let you check in. its illegal.

  3. you should call for a visa gift card , who ever issued them. and it depends is your visa gift card is it only valid in the US, coz some are not valid outside the US.

    yes you can used it..... its like a travelers check " similar "

  4. check with the hotel partner of visa. u can actually call. hehe

  5. You have to be an adult to stay at hotels as they will require id to check in.

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