
Bookkeeping job after college.?

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Hi, I just recently graduated from a state school with a BBA in Finance and on a job hunt still :(....Recently I have even tried applying for bookkeeping jobs (seems like a boring and repetitive job though). I am planning on taking night classes to finish my 7 more accounting classes I need to get a CPA. I have no relevant work experience in the accounting or finance field, just your avg. work from students ie..Warehouse worker, customer assistance associate (from a market), cashier, and painter, plus experience in the army (leading a small group of people and all the other stuff that comes along with being in the army)

The question I have is if working as a bookkeeper for 2-3 years would maybe enhance my resume? I eventually want to get something better obviously but I have heard from some people that being a bookkeeper is not that great of a resume builder , especially since I have my Bachelors (might look bad that I took the job)

Anyways thanks to whoever tries to answer my question..It's really hard finding a job out of college :(, even most bookkeeping jobs ask for experience O.o. It's really annoying since I could easily do bookkeeping stuff, and if not learn it really quick since I have taken like 5 accounting classes, ranging from your basic accounting courses (which a bookkeeping job would entail) to classes like Cost Accounting and Accounting Information Systems.




  1. My granddaughter also is a new college graduate still looking for a job. Not in accounting. If you need the money, you're going to have to take a job, whether or not you think it will enhance your resume.

    Have you thought about volunteering to do bookkeenping/accounting for a not-for-profit? It would give you some experience, and if you could land a spot with a prestiguous not-for-profit, would also enhance your resume.

    Many people (even sons and daughters of wealthy people) take humble jobs, so they can learn the business from the ground up. You can always claim that as your goal.

  2. You want to be a CPA some day? Then experience as a bookkeeper can be invaluable to you down the line when as a CPA you're working on audits. There are too many new accounting grads who have never SEEN a real-life general ledger. They have no idea of what can go wrong and how to prevent or fix that.

    The people who told you that being a bookkeeper will not help you get an accounting position down the road don't know what they're talking about. It's not a Twinkie job. You have to work hard and quickly, and be incredibly organized.  

    If you get offered a bookkeeping job and don't take it, just tell them to contact me. I'LL take it.  

    Learn QuickBooks too, if you can. It's not hard and a LOT of small and medium employers use it or something just like it. If you still have access to your school's computer lab, try that.

    Anyway, once you pass a CPA exam, you will be in demand even if all

    you have NO applicable experience.

    And I'm sorry, but "boring and repetitive" describes about 99% of the jobs out there. Nobody wants to hire a lazy diva, so I would not mention how boring the job sounds in an interview. And they're gonna know if you're faking it.

  3. Basically an accountant is similar to a bookkeeper. Did you try an internship at an accounting firm? You could gain valuable experience from that. Some internship are paid by the way.

    I got started at a CPA firm after taking the H&R Block Individual Tax course. One of the partners of the firm asked me to come in part time during one tax season. It turned into a permanent position and I was able to finish my Batchelors degree in the process.

    Just a thought. I hope this helps.

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