
Books, books, books and more books?

by Guest11002  |  earlier

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my dad bought a house recently where 'every' single room is filled with some very, very good books, cds and records....

the previous owner and occupant has passed away (aged 49), his relatives wont take those belongings.

we have asked schools and libraries if they want them but they wont have them. my parents have decided to let any one who wants and needs them have them. this person was a media studies teacher. he lived alone, he had no children and had never been married. (thats what i was told and i saw some other details on his passport.)

i went there today for the first time. im completely astonished at 'how many' books this person owned. its amazing and they're all 'very very' good books....

he has extremely and very neatly organised them across shelf in his rooms, inside draws and cupboards.




  1. Sell them on E-Bay, have a rummage sale, I love books and I am so jealous of you! I would probably keep them all and have a beautiful library, but if you cannot keep them all you could sell on e-bay.

  2. spend your life reading the books

  3. You could spend years researching how much each of the individual books are worth - either invite local book dealers round to have a look and give you a quote, or open the house up to the public for a day and sell it all yourself.

    You could always pick out what you think are the choice items and then just sell the rest at a flat price, eg £2 for paperbacks, £5 for hardbacks

    Or, donate them all to charity. My town has an Oxfam that sells books only, they'd love them!

  4. dear super girl,

    it surely sounds like the gentleman was one of the learned member of a species of which i'm a surviving member & that makes him my relative; regardlessly of the fact that we never met.

    I can't see why should i be deprived of his treasure particularly when money is not involved in the scenario. let me try to explain what i mean.

    seriously, ur question's part regarding ur description of the man's outward appearence, mannerisms & about untidy garden etc. convince me of his being somehow related to me.

    in fact so much so that i think if somehow i'd die at 49 i.e. 16-17 years later & someone compassionate & honest in sharing her feeling should succeed my residence, i am certain that she will pose this same question about discovering this literary aspect of otherwise very much ordainary man; living in that house with untidy garden & whom she had never spoken to ever b4. And equally possible that her ques. may appear on yahoo platform itself.

    it's unfortunate that people of the gentleman's temperament & personality don't come on their own accord out in the society. trust me that its more so 'coz they are really shy to come out open b4 society & the most usual reason of such way's is usually rooted in societies harshness (sometimes rude) towards them at an impressionable age. what can a person really do then. such a man could have let his life be drifted alongwith snobbary & double-standards that he hates & then he'd have lived a hypocrites life.

    its really an act of courage on his part to let go of this easy way & choose what this man choosed.

    its true that loneliness would have haunted him many times & equally heartbreaking is that he'd have faced many occassions by literally tearing his heart out. its a shame that our society is not sensitive to comprehend that there are sensibilities that drive one's life & that they might not be exactly like the society's way but are nevertheless equally good.

    anyway my hour is up as i write this only answer today & i request you to kindly think about giving it to me & i'll bear any expense there shall be. being a teacher myself, i am sure to share the wisdom of your treasure with my students who will be grateful to you 4 ur decision.


    ashish pant


  5. Send these books to orphanage . Regarding cds and audio books . You can put it up on ebay or amazon. You can even get your website up . However , traffic will be major issue then .

    here's my squidoo lens on audio books

  6. my sis and i love books. you can send some to us.

  7. what i would do if i were you is check them out first.some books have been signed by authors.keep these as retirement settings.others you may look up on ebay to see what they are going for.just may be worth your while to open an account.were they make money is in the shipping anyways.they buy a book for a quarter and charge two dollars shipping and make a buck.also look into people needing these for school help out a nieghbor so tospeeck

  8. call an auction house, they will usually take books or . take some photos of some of them and sell them on EBay by the pound ( I notice you are using pound for currency I mean pound as in weight. )

  9. I daresay some of these books, etc, are valuable. Unless you know a reputable second-hand bookseller, you could get "done" if you sell them the books. My advice would be put them into an antiquarian book auction, and let the dealers fight over them. Ask local auctioneers if they organise book auctions. You stand more chance of getting a fair market price.

    You may possibly get more money on e-bay, but I think so many books would take a long time to dispose of in this way, and you have the hassle of packing and posting them. As your Dad wants rid, and quick, auction would do that.

    If all else fails, donate to charity shops.

  10. try selling them on amazon or ebay

  11. Many second-hand booksellers will either buy from you, or may be able to put you in touch with a colleague who will. Not knowing where you are is a problem, but if you are in the Hampshire/ Berkshire region post a reply and I'll give you a couple of addresses.

  12. look for a charity

  13. somebody collected all that book and now it's yours,

    lucky you.

    Make your own library,I'm sure there will be a room for one

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