
Books on Ancient Rome?

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Please list decent books on Ancient Rome.




  1. Aside from Gibbons' History, which only covers the history of the Empire from circa 180 to its decline during the 15th century, there are other important works that detail the early history of the Empire, the Republic, and the early kingdom. Livy's Ab Urbe Condita is an excellent history of the founding of Rome to the reign of Augustus, written by a historian living furing Augustus's reign. Tacitus's Histories and Annals also give excellent accounts of the reigns of the early emperors. A truly excellent modern source is the Aufstieg und Niedergang der romischen welt, written primarily in German and English that covers all topics of ancient Roman history.

  2. Lives of the 12 Caesars is great. Also Grants books on Rome are also great.

  3. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibson.  Very long volumes but if you have the time, it is worth it.

  4. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire written by Edward Gibbon is a set of six books that are well regarded by scholars .

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