
Books on Lilith?

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What are some good books about Lilith, research type books, facts, or stories are fine, as long as they stay close to the original. My library is limited and doesn't have the Book on Lilith or any of that stuff....




  1. Beowulf: speaks about Lilith

    Ishtar is pretty much the same as Lilith so maybe try reading Zechariah Sitchin.

    or Sumerian and Babylonian creation and story epics.

    The Epic of Gilgamesh speaks about her also.

    Enkidu had s*x with her for 3 days and nights and she bore offspring.

    In the bible Isaiah 34:14 mentions her.


    This may help.

  3. Well it is difficult to find information on Lilith, Simply because most of the informat about here was removed from that bible by the Catholic Church.... You have to search for your information by finding a complete bible which is very rare and almost impossible to find................ But the Jewish religion has a few book out that tell you about how they perceive Lilith............

  4. The essays on this site may be of use to you,

    There aren't really any great books dedicated to the subject of Lilith, you'll need to pull most of your information off of the internet. I will warn you to stay away from the book "Liber Lilith", it's complete c**p.

  5. Lilith was the first wife of Adam, but she wanted to rule and God said nope, so..bye bye, then god makes Eve.

  6. Here are the key sources in the Lilith myth.

    The name Lilith does not appear in the Bible. The Hebrew word lilit (which refers to a screeching bird) appears one time at Isaiah 34:14.

    The main source of the story of Adam having a wife named Lilith comes vague references in the Talmud. That places the date (of a few parts of the story) at the earliest, after 200 AD/CE.

    Elaboration of the story is in the Kabbalah, which dates after 1000 AD/CE.

  7. Lilith is mentioned only briefly in any of the ancient books. The story is more of a modern invention to bolster the womens lib agenda.
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