
Books to enhance my reading level?

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I haven't really read any good books in like a year and I feel like my writing and vocabulary level are suffering. I enjoy reading books that are interesting, like a great story line, pretty much any genre. I'm going to college this fall and I want to start reading again, what are some books that you would suggest hopefully?




  1. my suggestion is read: >>>>>

    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

    twilight is the first book in the saga ther are 3 others

    -New Moon


    -Breaking Dawn

    (in order)

    Seriously You will love this book to bits and it has a great storyline not to mention a great use of language and words.

    people over the age of 40 are reading it....!!!

    If you already heard of this saga and read it... then i suggest any book by "Paulina Simons"  as her books are both educational, entertaining and enjoyable to read!


  2. try reading Dostoevsky, for instance Crime and Punishment or Idiot.I also recommend Oscar Wilde. Those are very good books, great style, besides, it's a well known classics - if you really want to improve your writing skills and vocabulary, that would help.

  3. I would strongly recommend d**k francis. the plot is good, the style superb. and he combines racing with one more industry, so the books are informative as well as interesting. the vocab is fantastic and he has the typical british humour.  

  4. as much as i love twilight, sorry, that book will not enhance your reading level. hahahaa. you should read some books by john steinbeck.

  5. ROTFL! TWILIGHT??? For someone going to college???

    It has the worst plotholes and most juvenile, basic writing style I've ever seen in a printed book for the over eights. Your vocabulary will only be improved by it if you are unfamiliar with the word "sparkly" and its variants. You'd do better with a random piece of fanfiction from any fandom where the average age of authors is over fourteen.

    Actually, no, I take that back. Read absolutely anything and everything. You're going to college, it's time you started to consider the merits of different pieces of writing rather than going with "if it's a book, it must be well written and the author automatically achieved what they set out to do, if I don't get it it's my fault." It's time you read things and then decided whether they are any good and why or why not. That's much more useful to you than only reading good books.

    If you like YA novels rather than deeply heavy stuff, I recommend the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. Same target audience as Twilight, but actually well written.

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