
Books vs Video games, what is better?

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People always malign video games and praise books. I would argue that video games have gotten to a point where the story lines are a deep or deeper than many books. Often you make your own story. I personally prefer to participate in a good story, along with great graphics, music and fun. Instead of just sitting back and read it from a piece of paper. Pick your side, this is a debate, lets see who wins.




  1. I used to love video games, now they bore the h**l out of me. They're so repetitive and predictable nowadays. I just can't stand 'em.

    I love books. I've gotten more out of life with books. You read more, you read faster, and to get news faster from news sites, you also begin to read that faster. Books are full of knowledge any time you read them. You always learn something new. Every book you read straight through, you usually always remember. Video games? Not so much at all.

  2. this is a hard one. video games are great and fun but only if they have a great story line. also with video games there is not always a good lesson to learn. i think books are better because it is easy for someone to grasp the lesson/moral. books can also have many of these lessons, and people can relate to the characters in books vs in video games because the characters in books are more likely to be human. reading also burns more calories, strengthegens your vocabulary, and allows you to relax (people tend to get frusterated and angry at video games when they get stuck). There are also manga for people to read if they like graphics. Manga also adds information that is not seen in the tv shows. also with video games you have to have a power sorce; with reading you only need your brain. so with that said i would have to say books are better.

  3. Books appeal more to the imagination while video games appeal to the senses and are more interactive. As video game developers progress they have begun to realize that deeper story lines make better games.  Often your choices in the game determine the story's path.  But books allow one to imagine what the characters look like instead of seeing what the game's creator thinks they should look like.  While books can be entertaining, I prefer video games because they are a more fun way to experience a story.

  4. on line video games destroyed my marriage- never heard of a book doing that- so books are better- they are less destructive of relationships.

  5. The two are not comparable. Books let you use your imagination where video games don't. Video games are purely visual where Books are more intellectual.

    For pure entertainment value, Books are better. Not to mention the lack of video game storylines that are repetitive.

  6. Books

  7. I like both. Video games are entertaining, fun and are a good way to kill an hour or two of time.

    Books however, are entertaining too, but they also increase brain power and It's a fun way to kill another couple hours.

    either way, they are both good ways to entertain your self when bored.

  8. i prefer video games like rpg's because if you are able you can change things over and over again and it will always be different. compared to a book its the same thing everytime. usually when i read a book i put some music on that way i dont fall asleep but if im on a game i dont worry. besides usual rpg's have people you can talk to and that keeps things fun.

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