
Books you read online?

by Guest59633  |  earlier

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Have you read anybooks online that you really enjoyed. If so what books are they?

Ive read these online:

Anthem by Ayn Rand

The Stranger by Albert Camus




  1. I've read mostly classic books online. My favorites were jane eyre by charlotte bronte, and nickolas nicklby by charles dickens.

  2. You know, I don't think that I could ever read a book online. Its funny because I could spend a few hours on the internet reading articles, q and a's on this website, etc. but I can't read a whole book online.

    I tried reading some Jane Austen books online once because I couldn't find them at the library, but it just didn't work out for me. Its something about actually having a book in my hands to read-- nostalgia maybe? I just prefer actual books.

  3. I've read several novellas online from various romance e-publishers. After all, I write for one. :-)

    I've discovered that I have an easier time with short stories and novellas than I do with full-length novels. I read on my desktop screen, which isn't ideal for staring at for hours at a time.

    I'd love an e-reader with e-Ink lighting to make it easier on the eyes, though. Still out of my price range, but I'm saving my pennies.
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