
Boomerang Question.?

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Hi! i just got a boomerang and its rad.

i haven't tried it out yet .

can anyone give me tips on how to throw it or catch it?

(it's a wooden boomerang)




  1. If it's real, it won't come back to you. only the fake one's come back to you.

  2. Hi! I'm actually Australian, so i can help you out.

    First off, it's good you have a real wooden one, plastic is cheap.

    You can throw is multiple ways like a frisbee....

    if you've ever thrown a frisbee forehand it's similar to that.

    You flick your wrist with a quick SNAP!

    The difference is that you throw it straight with a slight tilt...


  3. Face into the wind and then turn a little bit to the right.  Hold the boomerang by either end but make sure the painted side is facing your body.  Throw it with a good wrist snap (spin is more important than throwing it hard) forward and a tiny bit upward.  Start by throwing it with the boomerang almost vertical and experiment with tilting it a little to the right.  Different wind conditions will make it fly differently, experiment with throwing direction and force until you get it to come back.  These instructions apply for a right-handed person.

  4. throw it at a good distance not too hard and not to soft and it will fly!
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