
Booster seat?

by  |  earlier

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I live in michigan where the law says "under 4'9" needs a booster seat." my question is that my boyfriends uncle has a soon to be 7 year old boy. he drives a massive dodge truck with the extended cab. the boy OBVIOUSLY sits in the backseat where it's safest. he's definitely under the height requirement so he needs a booster seat. however, his head his the window each time his dad hits a bump! without the seat, he sits low enough under the window that he hits the seat and not the glass. are there any exceptions to the law? I mean, if he got into an accident, wouldn't it be better for his head to hit the seat and not the glass?




  1. i think you should ask your boyfriend to take his almost 7 years old to doctor check his height and see whether he will be growing taller before his 7 old birthday and to do the booster seat.

    the new law was just lanch in march in Michigan.

  2. No exceptions to the rule, the child comes first.

    Try this site and maybe it will help you.........

  3. booster seat is better because hitting the glass would hurt him but hitting the seat could possible kill him

  4. I think he's still better off in the booster seat.  One of the reasons for the "under 4'9"" height is because during a collission, someone under that height can easliy be ejected out of their belt/seat if they're not in a booster seat.

  5. It is still better to have a booster seat because if you get the ones with the back to them they have a head rest that will actually  allow his head to move but not enough to hit the door or the glass because it will have him centered in the seat and the head  rest on it will protect him.  The point of booster seats is to raise the child high enough for the seat belts to fit the child properly.  I know in CA there are actually shops that all they sell is booster seats and they will help install them, they are able to explain the best seat for the child and car, I am sure if you look online you will be able to find some of those places in your area to help

  6. the booster seats are designed to elevate the child to a safe height so their necks are the correct position for the seat belts. If they were not the child could either be ejected from their seat under the seat belt or suffer very serious head and or neck injuries because they are not securely fastened in. Keep them safe use the booster it won't be for much longer I'm sure.

  7. I would think so, I would check out this out with the State you live in or with another type of seat style for him that would work out better for him.
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