My 12 year old cousin Kim got her booster shot today, for 7th grade, and a few doctors have to hold her because she would try to break away, she screamed and cried the whole entire time, cried when we got out of the doctor's office, cried in my car, and she'll still crying right now in my house. My aunt and uncle are visiting my house today so my 9 year old cousin Frank is here, and Kim is here with me. She's crying right now and complaining that her arm hurts, like it feels like she's been stabbed with a needle, and I explained to her that she had to get that, so she wouldn't have the diseases later on in life, and she is still a crying mess, right now she's on the floor of my bedroom crying loudly and clutching her arm, and I'm on the computer typing this, how do I get her to feel better?