
Boot camp in California for 12 year olds?

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Was wondering if there was a low cost or state paid boot camp or similar program for out of control teens/12 year olds?

We are to the point of having her grounded everyday. Its really hard and we just feel like giving up but have no options.

Our child lies, is way to smart for her own good and uses this to do spiteful malicious things, purposely leaves writings for people to read that are nothing but evil and hurtful she is VERY didisrespectfuland does not do anything we tell her, she also has possible mental issues, and has cut herself in the past and has thrown up after meals in the past something she admitted to.

I hate to make her sound so bad but its the awful truth.




  1. Why not take her to a doctor or therapist to overrule oppositional defiance disorder or something like that? I would try a military camp designed to instill discipline through hard work and physical exercise rather then a delinquent type boot camp, as military style camps have kids who are looking to one day go into high disciplined careers, and will make better role motels then law breaking children. I would just take her phone and spank her, dss has no case against you if you don't leave bruising.

  2. If she is cutting or vomiting take her to the hospital.

    It seems maybe those are getting in the way of her behavior.

    As for bootcamps, Call DSS and im sure they will find one for you!


    Best of Luck!

  3. i don't know of any low cost boot-camps but i would try corporal punishment at 12 she should not have all those problems simply put her over your knee pull down her pants and spank her bottom, if the hand doesnt work try using a belt, paddle, switch or whatever else is necessary i have custody of my 13 yr old niece and had some of the same problems with her when i first got her but after 10 spanking sessions she is completely changed. Its not child abuse......  

  4. for mental and bulimic schildren bootcamp will just make it way worse

    ya your child needs to see a doctor!

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