
Booting Windows XP from BIOS

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How do you boot Windows XP from BIOS? I can't get the screen past a blinking underscore, and I need the boot disc, plus how to actually get it to boot. Can anyone give me a hand here?




  1. If your computer has a Restore Point that can be called from "BIOS" (actually thats is not exact), you could invoke the routine by pressing F11 at boot time.

    By "boot time" I mean the screen that comes up when you turn ON the PC.

    With luck, your computer has a special hidden partition that hods a special copy of the original operating System (mostly Windows), and, by answering some questions, you could restore the machine to the state it was when you bought it!

    If that does not happen, you will need an installation CD, and instruct your BIOS to boot from the CD drive.

    If you need more help, please contact me at

  2. Set your computer up so that it boots from removable devices first, then the hard drive. Then put your Windows XP disk in to your CD drive and boot from there. Once on the desktop, transfer all files on to your hard drive and that is how you repair windows.

    If you have a pre-built computer you shouldn't have to do this. Instead you can do a destructive restore. You can go to your computer manufacturers website to find out how to perform a destructive restore on your model.  

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