
Border patrol i think its a joke ideas to secure it?

by  |  earlier

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heres what i would do

first id finish the ******* border

second id get armored jeeps patroling 24/7

third id make more towers

fourth have two snipers on top of each tower none with a 30-06 and another with a 50 cal.

fifth land mines

sixth have illegal patrol the border and keep others out in exchange for a green card




  1. and you are going to get the funds to do this from where? skyrocket taxes i assume.  not to mention getting congress approval.

  2. Right.. like they would do that..I do like the idea of the landmines.. a DEAD ZONE/Kill ZONE.  We need a better solution to our imigration problems. killing them is not the solution.. guess what. they would turn around and with a good American lawyer, they would sue us.

  3. yo i really hope the states deports all the illegals... you ****** white ppl need them.... obviously some one is hiring them cuz they keep coming and are suriving even with the economic downfall... and babe the only reason they go to the states is cuz you guys are the closest....

    Illegals in France had an all out strike for a week... France's economy was hit big time now they are ALL legal cuz they noticed their importance

  4. And throughout all of this you would still be an ar*se hole.

  5. I like the land mines and snipers part.  Having illegals patrol the border definitely won't work though.

  6. WHat's the point even discussing it, it's a moot issue. Both candidates running for president are for it.

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