
Bored and hungry. Dish ideas?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, so I have the randomest of ingredients, but I'd like to see if anyone has any good ideas of what i can make with some of them and how.

I have:

Peanut Butter


Pancake Syrup


Salt and Pepper


Chille powder

steak seasoning

nesquick powder mix


vegetable oil

mayo, ketchup and mustard

any ideas?




  1. make some very weird dirty rice with the chile powder, margarine, salt and pepper and steak seasoning. If you make it tell me how it taste 'cause I don't think its gonna taste very good without any type of meat in it =p


  2. Lol, you definitely don't have much.

    I'd have to say pop the top off of that peanut butter and dig in, lol.

    Or if you want to wait, you can cook the rice and put some salt on it.

  3. Boil some of the rice.

    Drain the water so you have light, fluffy cooked rice.

    Then add margarine and some flavoring (I like the chili powder).

  4. cook the rice with sugar and cinnamon.  yummy!  

  5. most of that $hit is seasoning...get a life and a car and take us @$$ to taco bell lol 79 89 99 ya ya ya  

  6. 1. Get spoon.

    2. Get Peanut butter.

    3. Insert into Jar.

    4. Eat.

    or Eat the rice plain with a little chille powder sprinkled over.

    Hmmm You could mix the Peanut butter, Sugar, nesquick & Cinnamon together form into little balls & freeze them.

    Idk sorry. lol

  7. Peanut butter sandwich??????

  8. mac and cheese lol

  9. I would steam the rice and add a little margarine and steak seasoning for flavor. Or you could add margarine, sugar and cinnamon if you'd rather have sweet.

  10. Vegetable oil and rice

  11. Just go to the shops!

    you got nothing!

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