
Bored while swimming?

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I love swimming, and i go every week to do laps.

i usually do about 30 mins non stop, and i enjoy being in the water, but i get quite bored. Is there anything i could do- a mind game or something- to entertain myself, while still being able to count my lengths? thanks.




  1. I try to sing mentally or think of a good song while swimming or talk with other swimmers about pointers or tips to improve one's skill or other topics of interest without losing mental count of laps.

  2. I used to sing my favorite songs in my head while swimming. Now they have waterproof I-pods that will actually play the music for you

  3. What I do is act like a dolphin. If that doesn't work pretend you are at the Olympics where you are competing against swimmers from other countries

  4. You could try playing word games; like one where you think of a theme - like movie titles - and then go through the alphabet thinking of one per letter (e.g. Amelie...Borat...).

  5. I always think about songs. There are also these waterproof ipod type things that hooks to your head. But they are quite expensive. Like $300.

  6. if you look at basic swimming tips look at the 13th one down and there should be a game called catch up. i myself do not understand it but you will ahve better luck. and i thas other stuff.

  7. you can get a waterproof ipod or waterproof cases to put your ipod in and waterproof headphones which ever is better for you you can check out those stuff @

  8. Pretend you're a tropical betta fish.

  9. I talk to myself underwater and when I take a breath, I look up and blink, and the image gets stuck in my head like a little camera until I open my eyes again. It's really cool and I see all these people in mid-action doing weird moves. It makes swimming a lot less boring.

  10. there are waterproof ipod cases and mp3 players that i see many people with at the gym my friend works as a lifeguard at. They say that it entertains them enough and can make them keep going longer because the time passes by

    there easy to find online
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