
Boring Discussion Topic....?

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What is the most boring topic you've ever been given, either as a discussion topic, or an essay title?




  1. I once had to write a lecture that lasted for 20 mins about staples....

    My boss at the time thought it was a good way to learn the product.

    I had a choice them or A4 plastic wallets.

    Wasnt the most riveting time of my life.....   :-)

  2. politics and history i hate these subjectssssssss

  3. In our English class, we had to write an essay of how the first chapter in A Christmas Carol prepares us for the rest of the novella. It was boring and pointless!

  4. In college, my prof came into class on the third floor of an ancient building, pointed to a small dinged-out place in the wall, and said, "See that hole?"

    When we said, "Yeah.", he said "Gimme a thousand words on it".

    He then sat down, propped his feet up on the desk, lit his pipe (with cherry tobacco) and grinned.

    Two and one-half hours later, I turned it in.  It was really pretty good.  It was about a young woman who was fleeing her home during the Civil War, and hiding out from the opposing forces.  I made it rain; she tore her dress; she cut her leg, but in the end, she got away, as the bullets went whizzing over her head -- with one of them -- bouncing off that wall.  (She had been hiding in the building; it had burned, and all the windows were broken out.)

    She was fleeing down the steps when the bullets went flying by.  She fled into the darkness, never to be seen again, but . . .on a cloudy evening, if one goes by the building and looks up into the shadows glinting off the windows, one might see a shadowy form while . . . ?

  5. Thats a Really boring QUESTION....

  6. Probably the one on my college writing essay. . .I really can't remember the subject though I just remember it was really rediculous! I've had better in grade school!

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