
Boring life in dubai ?? any ideas

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here its only work, home and again work, no other things to do ?? very bored in life, any ideas ?? any good friends there ?




  1. there is a balance in life always to be looked for .

    i dont think the life here is boring in itself.

    may be u have a tiring job and no time to enjoy life

    or u have enough time but no good friends to enjoy with .

    no one an enjoy the time alone unless he is a loner and such persons seldom complain about life where every they r.

    so try to find happiness in what u do and try to balance ur life

    no one else can make u happy

  2. move to iowa.. muscatine, iowa to be exact

  3. i agree witht the guy that complaint on the traffic.... i hate going to Dubai for that exact reason...

    i suggest moving to Abu Dhabi ... you will feel the difference.... get a job there and visit Dubai only if you want to have fun (like during festivals ... etc)

  4. same here. it seems as if all i have time for is work-traffic-home and back again. on my days off i spend all day catching up on laundry, cleaning, and sleeping.

    a friend suggested taking up some courses in arabic or maybe urdu. i think that's what i'll do since its something new, something to do, and something that might actually be a bargaining chip for a career advancement.

  5. no it's cool life here in dubai.

  6. What can you expect from a place who wastes everybodys life at least 4 hours of their day just for TRAFFIC !!!

    Traffic here... traffic there... accident here... accident there.... sometimes you will feel like just staying inside your office and for each end of the day... you feel the same - stay at home !

    BORING life in Dubai right ? I mean who - in their normal mind - will risk their lives crossing or travelling in the street of DUBAI !!!

    Even inside your room or apartment in the most posh place in Dubai like the Jumeirah Beach Area - nobody is safe ! look at that poor young lebanese woman whose throat was slit !!! Rare and isolated ? but it did happen..

    Best thing to do ? ...... get out of Dubai and heed back home. At least there's a plenty to do there !

    How about that for an advice ?

  7. go to your country... Anyone who doesn't like it here wouldn't be asked or welcomed to stay...

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