
Boris Johnson 4 mayor!!!!! anyone agree?

by Guest57512  |  earlier

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Boris Johnson 4 mayor!!!!! anyone agree?




  1. Yikes! Oh Crikey, I should jolly well say so!

  2. the blokes a buffoon

  3. No....he's a tory bumfu.cker....he should stick too sucking off David Cameron and slagging off Scousers

  4. Don't you think we have enough clowns currently in charge of vast sums of 'our' money??? Pleaseeeeeeeeeee - no more - he's a cretin.

  5. Boris, Ken,= No bikers.

  6. YES!! Boris for Prime Minister - EU President - Blue Peter Badge - Cycling Proficiency Certificate - Membership of the Tinga & Tucker fan club. Go Boris Go!!!

  7. with adult supervision yes

  8. Yes!!!!at least it will be a laugh.

  9. why not! i think he would be 10 times better than Ken.

  10. yep- too right- he's gonna b great

  11. Yes, for sure! one of only a handful of MPs who actually deserves the honour of sitting in the House of Commons and serving their constituents.

  12. yes please!!

  13. Yes, yes, a million times yes! The man is a genius, both an unwittingly comedic one, and a political one (tho this is often underrated).  He'd be brilliant and shake up the capital's local politics no end!

    He stood for rector at my Uni, only to be beaten by a green MSP who has no personality, no profile, and is downright boring. I was gutted.  

    Boris for mayor, PM, and everything in between...

  14. The Southerners deserve him and all the ridicule he'll bring them. UDI for the North.

  15. god what a breath of fresh air that would be!

  16. for what city?

    i never heard of him.

  17. He couldnt do worse than Ken could he!

  18. Who?

  19. No i don't agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Why not put this to the vote at

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