
Boris Johnson wants Amy Winehouse to back him for the London Mayor's job. You have just lost, Boris. Discuss.

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Boris Johnson wants Amy Winehouse to back him for the London Mayor's job. You have just lost, Boris. Discuss.




  1. You could imagine the winning parade....!

    Daft Boris & his mob of Etonians alongside Amy, her hubby, Pete Doherty & the rest of Londons junkies and drunks.

    It would be worth voting him in just for entertainment value alone....!

  2. I rather like Boris and suspect that under that bumbling exterior there lurks a sharp, incisive mind.  But he's his own worst enemy on this one.  Perhaps he wants Whiney Crackhouse on his campaign for the publicity but frankly who wants to be associated with a crack-addict?

  3. Because he was joking.

  4. like i said b4  , totally bonkers but very entertaining. I personally think that lib bloke seems to be the only one who talks sense.

  5. No surprise that Elton John is supporting the Liberal g*y!

  6. Perhaps he doesn't want to win after all.

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