
Bose cinema sound foir medium bedroom ! ! help?

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i live in a medium size bedroom ..what is the best bose kit for me and my huge hdtv and blue ray player... ! !

dont tell me to buy other brands..i have heard bose ..its ******* amazing ! !!




  1. All Bose products are officially rubbish.

    You have been conned into thinking it sounds good by their amazing marketing, not by the actual sound quality.  Don't waste your money.

    Listen to anything else at the same price level and it WILL sound far better than Bose.  100% guaranteed.





  2. I am going to tell you, yes, Bose do sound good,but please, please, listen to others, far far better is around for far, far less, Bose is home entertainment NOT Hi-Fi. Save yourself  some money and spend it on Blu-Ray DVDs to watch!

    If you have set your heart on Bose, read this to see what a mistake you're making.

  3. If your talking about the Bose cube system, they are amazing! Until you decide to move around the room and realize that your soundstage is tiny, that is. If your talking about their real speakers then I would agree. Test out the Bose 901s, those are nice speakers.

  4. Bose is a powerhouse when it comes to marketing prowess. When we see the demonstration at the Bose store, our brain says "Without a decent midrange speaker, physics tells us that we can't expect decent mids and upper bass." But our hearts say "Wow, that's incredible sound for those tiny speakers." It's human nature to experience an emotional response in favor of the underdog, in this case tiny verses big.

    That's exactly what the psychologists aiding Bose with their marketing plan for you to feel. It's very similar to the Obama campaign for the presidency. David Axelrod, Obama's campaign strategist, is the son of two psychologists. It doesn't take much effort at all to see that the Obama campaign is aiming for the heart, not the brain. It's very powerful marketing, and in both cases, Bose and Obama, it's working well.

    I'm not saying to not buy Bose, nor to not vote for Obama for that matter. I'm just saying, people will answer this question and try really hard to get you to compare other brands. I'm just saying listen to them, give them a chance.

    April Fools day (4/1/2008) marked the aniversary of my 29th year in the consumer electronics industry. I have no interest in the current line of Bose speakers, for my home nor the homes of my clients and friends.

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