
Bose x vs david clark x11 aviation headset...?

by  |  earlier

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if you have any feedback on these it would be great! i fly helicopters and need a new headset.

are they both able to have ipods, cell phones etc plugged into them?

thanks :)




  1. bose bose bose bose bose bose bose bose!!!!!  got it?

  2. I will never be without a pair Bose ever again. I also own 3 David Clarks I think they are the best for passive. Nothing can be plugged into Bose other than an aircraft. My Bose are light and they stand behind them 100%, in all fairness they have been into service before, both pair ( i have had 2 pair). But just like DC they hook you up, mine came back both time with new parts I didnt know were suspect. Always with new ear seals all free of charge. Bose ear seals I think are the single biggest overlooked feature they offer. They allow your skin to breath under them. Without batterys the Bose are totally worthless but not the case with the DC's im sure. I tried the prevoius generation of DC noise caceling and thought they were barely detectible queiter than the Bose, but heaveier. The DC microphone is better that the Bose. The Bose are so small its kinda nice in small aircraft. I cant imagine wearing a lightspeed.

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