
Bosnian Pyramids:Real?

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Old news, I know. I was just wondering if there was ever a confirmation on whether or not the supposed Bosnian Pyramids were real. So far I haven't found a direct answer.

Thanks a ton :]




  1. Visocica Hill, is 2300 feet high and has the remains of a town on it's summit. The Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau is 480 feet. The pyramid of the Sun in Mexico is half that of the Great Pyramid. Right off there's a problem. How did it get built?'

    Dr. Zahi Hawass familiar to many and head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities writes:

    "The discoverer of the “pyramid” in Bosnia, Semir Osmanagic, who claims that a hill near the Bosnia River is a man-made structure built before the end of the last Ice Age, is not a specialist on pyramids. His previous claim that the Maya are from the Pleiades and Atlantis should be enough for any educated reader. This “pyramid” is actually a sloping hill near a village.What was found there is really just a mass of huge stones, evidently a natural geologic formation. The stones do not match, and there is no evidence that they were put together to form a solid structure. No one can say that these stones were transported by human beings since each weighs approximately 40 tons. Apart from its general outline, this hill bears absolutely no resemblance to the Egyptian pyramids.

    Mr. Barakat, the Egyptian geologist working with Mr. Osmanagic, knows nothing about Egyptian pyramids. He was not sent by the SCA, and we do not support or concur with his


    The site was a gathering place for merchants during the Middle Ages. Add that to the ruins of the town and you would expect to find cut stone, ruins, foundations etc.

    The Hall of Maat and   Kriistin Romey's "Seductions of Pseudoarchaeology: Pseudoscience in Cyberspace  Volume 56 Number 3, May/June 2003" also debunk the claims.

    "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Based on this the "Bosnian pyramid" claimants haven't produced any evidence that's not explained simply by normal occupation of a site.

  2. Well, the jury is still out on that one, although some people have claimed they are fake/natural, there does seem to be some evidence they are real.

    A metal working, city building people were around in this area from about 8,000 BC, the Vinca, so these things could predate the pyramids. As yet they've no bone or pottery inside it to date it with.

  3. Silence is an answer in itself.  Too bad.  It was good while it lasted.

  4. I am afraid it doesn't look or sound real to me. The 'finder' is too full of a hodge podge of 'mythical' theories with nothing to back them up.. However, I don't agree with the archaeologist who said the 40 ton stones couldn't have been transported there. There are stones that big at Stonehenge & Avebury, and several even bigger in other megalithic constructions (the capstone of the Brownshill dolmen weighs over 100 tons.)
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