
Boson particles are matter. Matter has mass. But Bosons are massless. What gives?

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  1. Not all bosons are massless! Photons and gluons are massless, but the W+, W- and Z bosons have a mass and don't forget the Higgs boson! And bosons aren't exactly matter particles!

  2. you are getting confused,bosons lack weight, they still have reletive mass,use E=MC^2 to find the relitive mass,although the unit will be so small it is currently just theoretical

  3. It is this sort of question that my cousin's father-in-law paul Dirac was thinking about during the wedding, with the result that he missed the second half completely.  GET A LIFE  I say - to Prof Dirac mind, not to yourself.

  4. Remember the guy named Al Einstein? He demonstrated that mass and energy are equivalent. Photons are bosons. They have no mass. But they have energy and that's good enough to let them do their job.

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