
Boss? always like this?

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Why do all boss is very hard in times of remunatrating the personel? I work till 11.00 pm in my home daily for my boss through all means of communication, well he always delays and says that i have done nothing????

He always says like this?




  1. The bosses job is to get things DONE.

    Don't forget - he also has a boss, who is asking all the time "...and? what have you done?"

    Also - a boss has sometimes less to do (physically) than the workers - so he has show like he is busy otherwise he might lose *his* job. That's why they come and irritate when you are trying to work instead of shutting up and letting you work.

    Now. That was in their defence. lol.

    Bosses, or atleast good bosses, know the difference in yelling at and beating (figuratively speaking) the work-horses and knowing when to stop and when to give some sugar (praise).

    Obviously your boss is a moron who will not go far in life. He hasn't figured it out that to give a break now and then and to acknowledge your achievements will get *more* productivity out of you.

    What he is doing now, will only demoralize you and soon (at some point) you will become a salary-monkey who only does the bare-minimum of what is required to hold on to the job, when enough workers do that, the company will go down the drain, and the boss will get fired too.

  2. Let him know that you feel you are working to hard for him and his company and are under appreciated. If that doesn't work I would suggest looking for another job doing what you do now.

  3. stop working so hard for him then, if he thinks your doing nothing work untill 5pm instead and then see if he has something to say to you. maybe he doesn't notice and you really can start doing nothing!...bonus

  4. Keep up the good work blended with some logic. your boss will prise you soon. however if this is an exception change the boss !

  5. All you need is tacts!! besides hard work.

    Market your efforts to your boss effectively, applying trial and error method, results would be pleasing. Good Luck!

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