
Boss bad mouthed me to potential new supervisor?

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I am applying for a new position within my company and my potentially new supervisor is "friends" with my present boss. My present boss bad mouthed about me by making negative comments about my work product, which is excellent by everyone who I have worked for or under. I personally believe he did it on purpose and he's been know for doing it to others in the past. How should I deal with this situation, assume the new supervisor has enough morals to make a decision based upon my skills and interview and wait to see if he brings it up.




  1. I'd be looking for a new job,any supervisor who would act like that is unprofessional to say the least

    Things like that are to be kept between you and them and behind closed doors  

  2. Your supervisor is very unprofessional and stupid, I would not worry about him. You may be the supervisor one day.

  3. This is a tough situation because it is inter-company.  I don't know how you would find out about this conversation, but if it is true, your boss is an idiot.  If your work product is truly bad, he should either fire you, or be happy that you are leaving his department.  If your work product is good, he is an idiot for not recognizing that.  You may want to bring up your concerns with your HR department, or just wait and see what happens, and then speak to your HR department if you are not approved for the new position.

    Good luck.  

  4. If it is widley known that the supervisor has a habit of badmouthing people then I am sure his "friend", the interviwer, realizes this as well.

    In this situation I would focus on what is within your area of influence and control,namely the way you present yourself.  

  5. Just go in to the interview prepared to sell yourself.  Do not bring up any negative comments you think may have been said.  If the interviewer brings anything up, do not make negative comments about your present boss, just point out the good things you do.  Be sure to have other names to use as references for the potential supervisor to contact.

    Good luck.


  7. There's a saying in corporate America. "It's not who you know, it's who you blow." Congratulations on NOT being a brown-noser. There's no real solution to this other than tolerance or finding a different job.

    Or being a better brown-noser.

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