
Boss believes managers lies over employees complaints

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We have 5 to 7 employees at work, who have reported to are boss of a manager who lies about any wrong doing, or made up gossips to look down at employees real work ethics. Our manager has denied any wrong actions and instead of it being her fault and admitting her mistakes, she denies doing or knowing of any wrongfull acts. Our Boss/ Owner makes you feel she believes in everyones many complaints from many workers and she will agree with you and give support. The next day the boss/owner said she spoke with the manager and after listening to her response of negetivity or "never did that" plus kiss *** with whip topping tells us all, that we are wrong or it never happened that way. Over and Over ETC. PLEASE GIVE ALL US WORKERS SOME TYPE OF SOLUTION TO STOP THIS BEFORE WE LOSE MORE GREAT EMPLOYEE'S




  1. It sounds like the owner need convincing.  Which leaves you all with only one real option.  Document everything.  Date, time, and what occurred.  Save every memo or directive from the manager.  Try to get the manager to put everything in writting.  You need to document all gossip as well.  When you feel you have adequate documentation, which is compelling and would be difficult to be denied, then go back to the owner.  

    Please keep in mind that the owner, (even if she seems to be backing up the manager) is in all probablity watching.  At the very least you have planted seed of doubt and additional documentation may well do the job.

  2. document, document, document - each of you!

    Keep in mind that grass isn't always greener if any of you decide to leave. However, if that is happening now then it is likely to continue to happen if the manager feels as though your boss isin't worth losing. Since he/she is already aware of the situation from now on document everything that occurs and give it a few weeks then present it to the big-man/woman of the company and if you don't get results and cannot stand another minute - give your 2 wk notice

  3. You have a few choices....go back to school and qualify yourself for a management position, look for another job, accept the pro quo, whip out the video camera and prove your point but risk job loss and lawsuits.  Hmmm, whatever floats your boat.

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