
Boss bully worker!?

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My mum is being bullied by her boss. She keeps on decrease her pay and now it's just $14 an hour!!! also the boss has asked mum to replace her position for $8 an hour!!! She always comes home tired from her office, after doing both her and the boss's job for 13 hours, and 1 1/2 hours drive.

I am really angry about this because of the decrease in her pay but also the rise in living cost, and the fuel cost of 3 hour drive a day, and now we are really struggling.

I have talked to mum about this but she will not listen and I am really worried! what should I do?




  1. Times are tough, esp. for older workers over 50. If she has a health issue also they could want to discriminate against her since over 50 and/or health issues will raise the company's portion of her health insurance premiums. Sometimes they can hire two young people for the same costs as two older workers.

    I think your mom might want to surrepticiously (secretely) start looking for another better job, but it is hard to find one sometimes when you are older. It sounds like they are trying to get her to quit and if that doesn't work, then they may make up reasons to fire her.

  2. Sorry to say but she needs to get out of that place.

    If you live in aus then you can call WAGE LINE and talk to someone, she may-be getting riped off and thats illegal.
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