
Boss is my landlord. need help with a question.?

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I rent from my boss. I was living in a small studio. I pay my rent on time every month. I paid this month up to August 31. My boss found me a bigger place. I moved out of the studio on August 15th. I was completely out. I was under the understand that If I was out by that date I would be able to get back some of the money that was paid for the month of August. I tried talking to my boss and asked how she wanted to deal witht this matter. She avoided answering my question twice, then today I ask her again and she puts off saying that I failed to give her 30 days notice. I wanted some of the money to apply it to the rent of my new place, I was notified about the new place and I moved out in 2 days. she pushed me to do so. I even got the old place rented out for her. She had nothing to do, I did everything for her. I angers me that I am put in a situation that I can'f feel free to tell her exactly what I think of what she has done. She knew exactly what I was doing at all times. I kept her informed of my actions and intentions all times. I realize my job is more important than some little amount of money .. but what is right is right. I let no one step on me or take advantage of me, But I am lost as to what I should do.




  1. Just drop it.

  2. First off, your landlord new you were moving out, so she already had notice.

    Second, you have already rented out the place (they moved in right?)

    She should pay you the (pro-rate) you for the time she was receiving rent from the new folks.  Unless, they didn't pay her.

    If this doesn't work, look for a new job.  If your boss treats you this way now, the future doesn't look bright.

  3. My dad always told me this:

    If people will s***w you for a dime, they will s***w you for a $1.00.

    Drop it or find a new job.

    Fair, no.

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