
Boston Celtics hopeful of keeping Big Three intact; still talking to Ray Allen – NBA Update

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Boston Celtics hopeful of keeping Big Three intact; still talking to Ray Allen – NBA Update
The Boston Celtics are not ready to break up their famed Big Three just yet. The trio of Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen were brought together in 2007 and have since gone on to make Boston a powerhouse in the league, winning an NBA World Championship in the process.
Their aging legs and expiring contracts though have slowed down the powerful triplet and are now threatening to break them apart. Kevin Garnett was the early scare for Boston, with the legendary power forward contemplating retirement after a superb showing in the playoffs. That danger was averted when Kevin decided to put off retirement, but now another old horse could leave Boston.
NBA’s all time leading 3-point shooter Ray Allen is out of a contract with Boston and is reportedly fielding offers from other teams. Celtics president Danny Ainge has said that the team wants to keep Allen, despite his struggle with injuries last season, and are looking to get him to sign an extension.
"I'm not sure if there's progress or no progress, there's just conversation going on," Ainge said of talks with Allen. "We really want Ray to come back. Time will tell."
The Celtics are hard pressed for cap space, but money isn’t the real issue with Allen. Ray is used to starting throughout his career, and he lost his spot in the Celtics starting line-up last season. Boston believe that Allen can make more of an impact from the bench, while the veteran guard has his heart set on being a starter.
Danny Ainge probably cannot guarantee Allen that spot, which is why Ray has contemplated moving to another team where the financial rewards could also be greater. Ainge though knows the value of his 3 veterans and will fight to keep them together, and put players around them.
"I think we all can look at our Big Three and say if they went to play for some of the top teams in the league how good they would be and how much they would help those teams," said Ainge. "The only question in Boston is can they carry a team, so we need help."
The Miami Heat and the Memphis Grizzlies are two of the teams interested in landing Allen.



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