
Botany qustions?

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1.what cells are responsible for the growth in diameter?

2.what are two functions of leaves? five different types of leaves? do the leaves of monocots and dicots differ?

5.what is the purpose of the stoma in a leaf? do you distinguish between a simple and compund leaf?

7.what is an example of a plant with parallel venation?




  1. 1. Cambium

    2. a.) for photosynthesis b.) for respiration and transpiration

    3. go to this site:

    4. Leaf of monocots have parallel leaf venation, while leaf of dicots have netted leaf venation.

    5. The purpose of stomata is for respiration and transpiration.

    6. A simple leaf shows an undivided blade. In case they have divisions, they do not reach the midrib. A compound leaf has fragmented blade with divisions reaching the midrib.

    7. Examples of plants with parallel leaf venation are all monocots like grasses, orchids and palms.

  2. 1.cambium

    2.photosynthesis, respiration,transpiration

    3.i)parallel---simple[pinnate/palmate]... compound[ pinnate ,palmate]  ii)reticulate--,,  ,,  ,, ,, ,,

    4.monocots have parallel and dicots have reticulate[crisscross] veination


    6.a compound leaf has many leaflets unlike simple leaf

    7.coconut[Coccos nucifera]

  3. cheater!!

  4. 1. Osteoclasts

    2. i) photosynthesis, and ii) cellular respiration.

    3. C.L- Casual Leave

    P.L- Privilege Leave(Most of the company has either EL or PL)

    E.L- Earned leave

    S.L- Sick leave

    Maternity Leave

    4. Dicot Leaves are connected to the stem by Petioles. Many Monocots do not have petioles but have a distinct Sheath which connects the Blade to the Stem.

    5. The purpose of this experiment is to study the effects of sunlight versus incandescent light in the number of stomata present on a plant and see whether this is an important variable affecting the growth of the plant.

    6. The fundamental difference is that between simple and compound leaves. The compound leaves are built from several small leaves or from pin nations that sit in a regular organization at the undivided or branched rachis.

    7. A good example of a type of plant with parallel venation is most types of grasses.
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