
Both Genders: do you think it's wrong for a woman to get into a physical fight?

by  |  earlier

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You know, some people think that a woman should never get into a physical fight. What is your opinion on this ...... ? I'm not sure if I have an opinion on this one.




  1. No I say get into a fight if you know for a fact you will win or if you're fighting for your life.

  2. No.

    I have been in many physical altercations with young women.  This is just because I spent five years working with emotionally disturbed teens in a house that largely held young women.  I would have to restrain them if they attacked others, tried harming themselves, etc.  I never thought less of them for it because they were women.

    That being said I don't have much respect for people that need to resort to violence.  I only understand that sometimes people just don't know any better.

    EDIT: I've never had a problem handling a guy that loses his sense.  But one 14 year old girl was able to give me a h**l of a time.  Left that one with a few marks and some broken glasses.

  3. NO.  (Well at least not a "Lady")

    However, that Miller commercial was interesting.

  4. no i dont unless its for no reason i know for a fact if someone hit me it would be on and poppin' women have to defend them selves

  5. I won't say it's wrong or right; I've been in physical fights. When some one hits you, you don't sit there and say "pretty please hit me again."

  6. Well, not wrong but fairly well pointless.

    Physical violence might be a bonding device for blokes, but it doesn't usually seem to solve anything much. I think most women could do without it.

    However, if they find it a useful way of dealing with the world, that's up to them.

    In cases of self defence, it's the right thing to doif necessary.

    Cheers :-)

  7. It's wrong for anybody to get into a fight, unless you're protecting yourself or somebody else.

  8. i think if its with a guy, then no. if its with another girl.... uh, well thats different. ill get into physical fight if i have to, why not? sure it might not be "lady-like" but who gives a c**p these days?

  9. I do not approve of physical altercations in general for either s*x with some exceptions.

    If they are fighting for their life and did not begin the fight and cannot get away.

    If they are fighting to save the country in a war.

    If they are fighting to prevent a child, mentally incapacitated person or elderly person from being a victim and there is no other way.

    But not just over a man or because they think they are bad or some other stupid thing that you see every day on the news or some talk show.

    Grow up and be adults people.  Someone has to.

  10. Nope, prefer it when woman fight. Don't mind when they're on top of each other...h**l yeah! Dat's what I'm talking 'bout boyyyy.


  11. Fighting is moronic baboon behavior for either s*x, a failure of intellect and consciousness.

  12. yes and no, i think most women carry themselves in a higher state that to stoop to a physical solution to the problem. but i guess its really up to the woman in question if she feels the need to punch someone in the face over the dispute.

  13. I haven't thought about it. When I see Sydney whip @ss on Walker Texas Ranger, I'd say if someone has an attitude, it should be adjusted, even if a woman is elected to do the dirty work.

  14. If it's self defense then it's more than ok to be physical.  If it's WWE women wrestlers then i'm cool watching that.

  15. It happens, it's human nature.  Sure it would be better if they can talk it out.  Or talk it out, or dance it out, or play chess together...(where am I going with this you ask? Heck it's a full moon...)

  16. Not if your fighting for something you truly belive in with all your heart and soul or in a self defence situation.

  17. I personally don't think any gender should get into a fight - it just seems so....common and childish. However if you need to fight someone for protection then yes it's a good thing to do.

  18. Yes.  It's also wrong for a guy to get into a physical fight.

  19. It's barbaric and women typically are more civilized. It's not the greatest for men to resort to physical fights. Other means of conflict resolution are more respected.

  20. i like to fight........ thats what i get paid to do.... it should only go down in a ring........ I think it only ok when there is MUD OR JELLO..... thems the only ways women should be throwin it down...

  21. I don't see why its an issue that you are a woman. I mean, sometimes fighting is a necessity. It shouldn't be the first instinct, but you should know how to defend yourself and your honour. Sometimes fighting is the only solution.

  22. It's not really becoming. I'm sure some will say it's hot, but it's really not!

  23. You mean cat fight?

    Yes its ridiculous, hair pulling, screaming mayhem

  24. I think it's wrong for anyone to fight. But if there's no way out of it, she shouldn't be scorned for it just because she's a woman.

  25. Starting a physical fight is usually stupid, whatever your gender.  But if you want to learn a martial art for self defense and spar a little, or defend yourself or someone else who's being attacked, I can't see how there would be anything wrong with that.

  26. It's not "wrong".

    But unless the woman has some awesome fighting skills, they should avoid them, since it's kinda easier for a woman to get beaten..

    obviously, no one should be fighting  tho.

  27. I think woman should have the same right to get in as many fights as a man, i mean everyone fights. Im not saying its good to fight but i mean it happens.

  28. Well yes, I think it's wrong. Simply because it's wrong for ANY person to get into a physical fight.

    So, if women don't fight (usually that is), it's because they are the strong gender, they don't get carried away as much as men and try to resolve problems another way.

    I don't want to sound mellow, but violence really is never a good option.

  29. People in general shouldn't get into a physical fight.

  30. Yes.  If its a girl on girl fight, it just looks pathetic and pointless.  If a girl is trying to start a physical fight with a guy, she deserves to be put in her place.  So on both counts, its wrong.

  31. I dont think that it is wrong. I think it is unlady like behavior.

    I mean the girl fights that are all over the internet are just horrible. Boys or a myspace comment are no reason to get into a physical altercation over.

    If a woman is being attacked for some reason then yes its ok to fight but otherwise I just think its not very nice.

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