
Both my parents tell me my atttitude is out of control. helllllp!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14 and my parents are divorced since i was about 2. my dad always tells me ever since i was in 6th grade ive had a horrible attitude and its now getting worse. I'm in 9th grade now and he fights with me and my brother who is in 12th. I'm always fighting with my mom too. but i cant help it. they drive me insane. my dad will never change and thinks hes NEVER wrong, when he is. i want to move in with my mom but now we started fighting so i dont know what to do. HELPPPP PLEASEEEEE




  1. If you already know your dad will never change, then there is no reason to argue with him.  You'll only wind up being punished in the end.

    Whether you like it or not, the bottom line is that you're 14 and you live in your parent's homes.  This means you need to follow their rules and obey them.  Whenever you feel like mouthing off, you have to bite your tongue and not get an attitude.  You've only got 4 more years until you're a legal adult and can move out.  Until then, you'll just have to deal with it.

  2. Well, there is the possibility that your not right and your father is trying to protect you from making the same mistakes he made and or your mother made. Your father loves you very much and he's just trying to help you grow up and mature properly. Many kids at your age feel the same way about their parents, so your not alone. I was the same way with my parents, but after sitting back and trying to understand what they were talking about, it all started to make sense to me. I couldn't stand talking to my parents because I didn't want to be wrong about what I was talking about. I wanted to be treated as an adult and didn't understand why they didn't treat me this way. Really it came down to life experience which I didn't have. I was young and was still growing up thinking I knew everything there was to know and my parents didn't know what they were talking about. It didn't dawn on me that they were here before I was and have already made their own mistakes in life growing up. So, if you can learn from your parents mistakes and other peoples mistake from now on, your life will be much better and you'll be ahead of everyone else. Take it from me, I should have listened to my parents more and followed what they had told me.

  3. google


    and get counselling/medicine who needs it most thats the only way out as i can see now

  4. As much as they annoy you, they are older and have a lot more experience than you. It takes time for parents to develop consideration and respect for your opinion. For now, they need to decide what is best for you. Discuss it with them without losing your temper. You must speak to them calmly or they wont listen to you.

  5. Well try to solve the problem with your mom. I know parents can be really annoying sometimes, believe me I'm 13 and I can't stand my parents. But the few times I'm not mad at them I know that deep down inside all they want is whats good for me and thats the only reason they fight with me. So give your parents a brake once in awhile and if you wana move in with your mom just try to avoid all arguments. Good luck!=)

  6. maybe it's becuz you dont wanna move in with your  dad? or your just pmsing or you should talk to someone or ur mom.

  7. I'm the same with my parents sometimes i just can't stand them and sometimes i just want to scream at them but you can't because there your parents. but i think its because your going through puberty and your body's changing and your mood will change all the time as well

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