
Both of my eyes are bloodshot and red....can you get corneal ulcers in both eyes?

by Guest63734  |  earlier

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I had a corneal ulcer last August, and it took about two months to heal enough that I could wear contacts again. I don't wear contacts that much...usually only on weekends. But now my eyes are both really red and they are a little sore and sensitive to the light. I'm seeing an eye dr. tomorrow. I wouldn't think that ulcers would show up in both eyes though.




  1. I guess it is possible. But not really probable.

    Although, I had a corneal ulcer once and OMG, it was the most miserable experience ever.

    I couldn't even open my eye and it watered so much and the pain! I just wanted to pluck my eye out and throw it in the garbage.

    When I called the eye dr to be seen they saw me within 2 hours since I was having such a bad time.

    SO if your just bloodshot and red I would be suprised that it would be an ulcer. You probably have a mild infection.

  2. maybe you should use glasses and stop using contacts for a while.

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