
Both organisms and cells share the characteristics of life. How do they differ? PLEASE LONG SENTENCES!?

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Both organisms and cells share the characteristics of life. How do they differ? PLEASE LONG SENTENCES!?




  1. I think the biggest difference is that single-celled organisms are mostly under their own control.  They will alter what they are doing based on signals from other organisms, even kill themselves on occasion, but for the most part, they devote their metabolic energy to making more offspring.

    But a cell of a multi-cellular organism is very tightly controlled.  It is told as it develops what kind of cell it is supposed to become.  And from then on, it spends it metabolic energy doing what it is supposed to do, for the good of the organism.  Sometimes, this involves making more cells, but usually not.  

  2. Simply put a cell is a single cell organism and organisms are multi-celled.

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