
Bottle feeding and changing an active baby?

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My 8 month old can't sit still. I love that she is active, but changing her diaper and feeding her is getting harder and harder by the day. I have a bad back and can't constantly wrestle her. Do you have any suggestions to make it easier to change her diaper or feed her? Serious answers only, and I don't need to hear breast feed answers either. I am very frustrated and need answers to my question. Thank you.




  1. when you change her diaper try and give her a toy or something while you do it. and if she is eating food maybe try and spread them out so she has to get the food herself, that way she can move and still eat

  2. I always give my son something to hold when I change his diaper. He likes his toothbrush and other things that aren't his toys. I don't know about when you feed her. Maybe start her on a sippy cup (NUK Training sippy) and let her feed herself.

  3. take him to the store and let him pick out a cool awesome toy. Like give him two or three choices and she will pick which one she prefers and then save this toy for diaper change only. The novelty will never wear off with this toy because she can only have it at a certin toy. Before you and her knows it, you will have her diaper changed. This worked great when my older two were young.

    For the feeding try and let her do it herself. Easy things like finger food. let her get in as much as she can and then try to feed her as much as you can. OR you can start the feeding and then when it gets to the point that she wont sit still for you hand her some noodles or other finger food and let her have a go at it. It might be messy, but she learns coordination and gives you a break. Have fun, this stage goes by way too fast.

  4. i usually hand my son a toy. or the new diaper or on the go wipes.  its like wrestling an alligator to change him.  

  5. Diapering...give her something to play with to keep her entertained for a second.  They are such wiggle worms, I know.

  6. honestly: sing. ruby will stop whatever she is doing and be still if i sing to her. and i am tone deaf. anything works, though we like to sing "10 little monkeys jumping on the bed," "old macdonald," and stuff like that. works like a charm for her still and always has.

  7. I am going through the same thing right now with my 8 month old... other than the bad back (sorry you have to deal with that too). I'm having a hard enough time without the back problem! For feeding I let my son finger feed himself as much as possible, he really likes to do that. Cut up pieces of fruit and veg, small chunks of meat and things like cheerios are wonderful! Also, I have a baby safe feeder which I put larger pieces of fruit/veg or even frozen (for teething) and let him have that. For bottle feeding I usually wait until he is relaxed anyways and really wants one.

    As for diapers... I dont know how to help really. I change my son in his crib so that he can roll around and not fall out. I give him a few toys that are only available to him during diaper changes and hope they entertain him long enough to get him cleaned up. I let him have a few minutes to play with no diaper and then try to get a new one on him. I usually end up putting the new diaper on my leg face up and put him on it, straddling my leg. and then just strap him up while he's sitting on my knee.

    Hope I helped and good luck!!!

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