
Bottle warmer, breast feeding, and bottles...

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I plan to breast feed, but I know I'll have to have my SO feed the baby sometimes with a bottle while I'm at work. That being said. I want to use playtex drop ins, and obviously use breast milk. How do I warm up a playtex drop in bottle? Just like you would in any bottle warmer? Or does it require special techniques?




  1. Here is what I was going to do when I had Emma in regards to breastfeeding/working.  Buy playtex drop in's.  Put the expressed breastmilk in.  Tie the top with a plastic tie (like that come with trash bags) and sit it/them in a cup/bowl upright in the freezer.  Once it freezes put them into a large freezer bag.  When you go to work in the morning put one bag in the fridge and one in a cup of warm water.  It will be warm by the time the baby needs it and breastmilk stays good for like seven hours out.  Put the other one in warm water for a few minutes before needing to use it.

  2. We boil water in a pot. Then put it in the water for 3 to 5 minutes.

    The gerber breast milk storage bags work great with the playtex drop in bottles.

    But keep in mind since you are nursing you may have to experiment with different bottles before you find one that your baby likes. We just found one for our 7 week old..This time its evenflo comfort select nipples. But we still store and heat the milk in the same bag.  

  3. You'll have to safe the breast milk in a breastmilk container (bag or bottle).

    So, warm some water in a pot, until the bubbles start and before it boils.

    Turn off the water, and put the milk in, moving it in fast circles.

    It will defrost and warm perfectly.

    Then just pour it in the Drop in bottle.

    Good Luck!

  4. I did it the same as the other posters.  I either ran hot water over the bottle (I used drop ins as well) or sat the bottle in hot tap water for a few minutes.  Make sure you shake well, than test the temp of the milk before giving it to your little person.  :o)  

    You have to be careful using boiled water (as was suggested) because the water is so may risk either weakening the drop in or causing the breast milk to get too hot.   The milk only needs to be room temperature or luke warm.  

  5. I warmed my breastmilk by microwaving a cup of water and then taking the cup out of the microwave and dropping the bottle in there for a few minutes until it warmed up.

    I found it was much faster than using a bottle warmer.

  6. with the drop ins you should use hot tap water, thats what we use when she gets a bottle of expressed milk, and we use the drop ins as well

  7. The safest way is under running hot tap water for a few minutes.

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