
Bottled Mineral Water Or Tap Water?

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In my restaurant, customers sometimes ask for jug of tap water which i don't charge for, a small percentage of my customers tend to have that as their only drink or when there is a big party of 10 or more they ask for jugs of water as their second round instead of more drinks which makes me make less money i know i sound greedy but id like to ask if i was to stop serving tap water in glasses or jugs and swap it for mineral water in 330ml size for a glass and 750ml for a jug i would like to charge. Could anydbody give me a recomendation on how i could explain to the customer that we don;t serve tap water anymore. for example if a customer asks for a jug of water how should i explain we don;t serve it no more and it is only available to purchase in bottles. And a cheesy or decent reason why we stopped serving water from the tap rather than just saying to make more money. I would like your help thank you.




  1. you can say that you care for your customers and sometimes tap water irritates the stomach of a person which causes diarrhea or even vomiting.(I'd know I cannot drink tap water). This would sound as if you only have them in your mind.

    I just have 1 note though, we have a restaurant here which doesn't serve tap water, i'ts fine with me because I don't drink tap water but my boyfriend doesn't want to go there anymore even though their food is good.People somtimes get discouraged to eat at a restaurant which doesn't serve free water. Maybe if you explained the situation on your menu(the caring for the customers thing), then maybe people would understand. I think people would know that you just really want more profit. But if your restaurant is for rich people or people with more disposable income, then it would be fine.

  2. I hate restaurants who refuse to serve tap water! Don't do it or you'll lose customers. You could always add 30 cents to each meal for free tap water

  3. dont be cruel now,

    when they ask you for water, you should ask them of they want bottled or tap. i think most people will pick bottled water.

  4. I would have to go elsewhere. I DON'T drink bottled water because I grew up on tap water and my kidneys are stressed enough (with diabetes). Bottled mineral water makes them work harder to pass the minerals which will build up in my kidneys. I actually got barred for being sober and orderly in a establishment that refused to serve me tap water even though I had explained to them just like I have to you. I was the designated driver and I just took my friends elsewhere.

    The Muse

  5. If I was told at a restaurant that you don't serve tap water with a meal, then I would get up and leave.  Really, what's the problem with serving a glass of water?  You only need to serve it on request.  Don't just put out glasses of water at every table.  This is a matter of water conservation.  All the restaurants in the small town I live in do this, glass of water on request.  If you want to offer mineral water as a drink, then fine, do so, but don't take a glass of plain tap water out of the possibilities for your customers.

  6. always ask bottled or tap. some ppl will throw a fit if you dont ask and give them something totally different!!

  7. Bottled

  8. You can't deny your customers tap water.  First of all, NO ONE will believe that you've "stopped serving tap water."  Even the finest restaurants in the country serve tap water.  It's healthy and better for the environment (vs. bottled water).  You're being quite greedy.

  9. I really don't think you can do this. It is OBVIOUSLY because you want to make more money if you do it.... what other reason would there be? I'd just ask and hope that more people opt for the bottled water. If I couldn't get tap at a restaurant, I'd never go there again and I'd tell everyone I know how much the place sucked. I've been to some of the best restaurants in the world and I've never been denied tap water.... pathetic.

  10. Unless the water in your area is unsafe to drink (which anyone from the area would know about), I doubt you can stop serving tap water.  You can have bottled water available for purchase.  There are tons of people that think that bottled water is better for them (it's not, usually) so you could still make more money...if that's what you really want.

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