
Bottled Water Ban in Silverthorn, CO. Yea or Nay?

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I understand that water is good for a body, but I support this idea. 1980's the only bottled water I remember was Perrier, and club soda. Then I noticed H2O selling in pop cans for the same price as soda. Seemed odd to me. Now you can't go anywhere without seeing piles of water bottles. I'm in my 50's now and spent the first 35 years of my life without bottled water. In school if I was thirsty, I would have to grab a warm slug of water out of the porcelain fountain. It's funny for me to see relief efforts with truckloads of Aquafina bottled water. Wouldn't gallon jugs of tap water suffice? What will we ever do when petroleum deposits run out and we can't produce plastic water bottles? Go back to clay and glass I guess.




  1. Problem is, most of those 'relief efforts" like during Katrina, the bottled water was needed because it was a "fresh" supply. Sure, maybe gallon jubs might have been more efficient from a recylcing point of view or sheer volume, but that was the most readily available.

    Mostly I figure the market grew out of convenience. A jug of water gets drank from and then sits around....getting warm.....assuming no one "backwashed" into the jug..which would lead to wasted water.

    On the other hand, Bottled water is about the right size for someone to take with them, and drink it all. The only reason I'd see for a ban on bottled water would be due to the lacking discipline of people to use the trash recepticals or recycle.

    If you want to ban things for a "common good" just like Berkley banned styrafoam, I guess your free to do so. But lets get real shall we ? one city or state banning anything is only symbolic, unless the whole country followed suit, your telling yoursel that your making a difference is a lie, because one city or even state doesn't have that large of an impact.

    Check to see how much styrafoam is used in the USA or bottled water, and you will see clearly that your "effort" is a mute one. Meanwhile, are you willing to inconvenience your friends, neighbors, city, small businesses with this ruling for your self important jesture ?

  2. Where I live the tap water is very Alkali. I buy water from a reverse osmosis store. No matter where I go tap water just generally tastes bad.And I love pure water -although spring water is wonderful (perhaps better) .

    Is it the plastic bottles that are the issue there in CO. ? I live in NM.

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