
Bottled water is transported from country to country by rail/lorry.?

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My question is, if you drank bottled water equivalent to your body weight is the polution caused due to the transport and production of packaging similar to the polution caused by me taking a flight for my holidays to say France or driving there where a lot of bottled water is coming from.




  1. Bottled water is a great marketing myth expensive with no theraputic qualities and environmetally damaging in so many ways. It is without doubt one of the worlds greatest con tricks.

    The water in the tap is just as good and do you realise that we drink bottled water produced in some countries where the have water shortages.

  2. if you didnt mind going there in the back of a lorry!

    no, its stupid.

    even english water; i once took a supermarket waggon to a shop in malvern, 3 of the cages were full of malvern water that had been delivered to the supermarket depot on one of the bottling company's lorries.... round trip about 300 miles... bonkers.

  3. If you drank your own body weight in water,  

    you would really really need to pee!

  4. well you need to know the pollution caused by each of the bottles coming over (not just the water) and then the pollution of a plane to France and back divided by how many people were on the flight. Probably a lot of other variables but I would go with the wateer being more polluting because you can get water within ten meters of you thats as good quality.

    I.e. please quit water bottled  (did you know there's a rumour that possibly it may turn humans all into girls!   lol)

  5. the whole concept of selling bottled drinking water is one of the smartest cons in recent history. apart from being totally environmentally stupid, it is amazing just how many people have been conned into buying the stuff. I can understand 'spa water' etc, but most of it is plain old water! And the amount of money being made is just outrageous. But hey good marketing and you can sell anything. Got this idea for selling small cylinders of compressed forest air complete with mask so you can walk work or run and inhale. Any budding entrepreneurs want to join in?

    As to what causes less pollution, too many variable to give an answer, bottle manufacture, disposal, exact distances traveled, the bottling process, the warehousing etc etc. Same with the flight, how much luggage you take, your weight, type of aircraft, distance traveled how long it circled over airports before it was allowed to land, endless....

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