Question: me?

by Guest21471  |  earlier

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My baby is 2 months old now.Just want to bottle feed her. Sometimes she use to drink from bottle but most of the times she doesnot. How can i make her try to drink from bottle? I am having my Bachelors degree exams next month that i have to study...did spend a lot of money for that.Pls help me




  1. You just have to get her use to it. Give her the bottle each time you feed her event if you end up giving her the breast. She should catch on to it quick.

  2. Try different nipples on the bottles.  Some are more like the Mother's and babies seem to adjust well to that.  Also, try using breast milk in the bottle or put a few drops of breast milk on the bottle nipple.   Good luck on your exams!

  3. Have somebody else do it for you, a lot of times when you have been nursing a baby will not take a bottle from you. I am still feeding my cousins baby for her

  4. Have you tried different nipples on your bottles? Maybe she doesnt like the ones you are using! My children would only take a certain brand of pacifier! it was a pain but when I fugured it out it was a relief. Also my first son did not like the taste of formula at first. So I began by pumping and mixing in a little formula with it. I slowly increased the amount of formula and decreased the amount of breast milk that was in each bottle until he got used to it.   Good luck!! and good luck on your exams!!! :)

  5. u can try frequesntly giving her a bottel she,ll get use to it do not worry when she is hungry give her a bottel.she wil be fine soon with the bottel.

  6. Don't feel that you have to explain your choice...

    First of all, have someone else give her the bottle while you're out of the house. Babies can smell their moms from a distance of at least 20 feet, and she may know you're around even if you're in another room. Offer her the bottle when she's not dreadfully hungry, rather than waiting until she's starving. If she takes a pacifier, try a bottle nipple similar to the pacifier she uses. For example, if she sucks on a latex pacifier, use a latex bottle nipple rather than a silicone one and vice versa. If she just chews on the nipple and plays with it, let her. She may actually start to suckle on it.

    Make sure you have a lot of time to put your feet up and relax during this process. If she starts crying and pushes the bottle away, back off, comfort her, and try again. The last thing you want to do is get in a battle with her over the bottle. If you've tried three times and she refuses all three times, then call it a meal. Do not breastfeed her immediately. Wait five or 10 minutes, and do something else entirely different before you put her to the breast so she won't associate her refusal to bottlefeed with immediate gratification.

    Some mothers have induced their baby to take a bottle by holding the baby in a totally different position than they would when breastfeeding. Try putting her in an infant or car seat so she

    is semi-upright, and then feed her the bottle while facing her.

    Once she is used to taking a bottle, you can hold her as you usually

    would for feedings. One enterprising father put on his wife's bathrobe and tucked the bottle under his arm while holding the baby in a breastfeeding position. That won't work for you, but it might work for Daddy!

    I'm sure some people will tell you that if you just wait

    her out, she'll eventually be hungry enough to take a bottle.

    That's not necessarily true, and I don't think it's a good practice for either one of you. Starving a baby into submission is not a good idea. We never want to make mealtime into a battleground , hope this helps

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