
Bottles over 12 months of age?!?

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why is it celebrities and other people are feeding their children over one year bottles?! dont you want secure independent children? not ones that are 2 and 3 years old asking for bottles




  1. well my daugther is 17 months . she does not like her bottle. however she is very skinny and isnt even in the 10th percentile of growth she is far below it.she weighs 17 pounds . so her do made me get her to drink 24 ounces of milk every day in order to help her put on weight. so the only way to do that is by bottle. because she only sips from her cup. so we give her a bottle to drink in the morning and one at night just to make sure she is getting the fat she needs. but if i didnt give it to her she wouldnt miss it. she has been drinking from a cup since she was 7 months . i wont keep her on it much longer just till she gains a little weight . but my son is 3 months and weighs 15 pounds. and i fed them exaclty the same way . and he just gains and she doesnt. but if she were gaining i wouldnt have to make sure she got that milk as much. you have to know the situation before you can judge. now if the kid just loves the bottle from habit then it needs to be taken of course and my plans were to stop at 12 months but upon docs orders i had to keep it in order to get her to drink alot of milk. so all parents have different reasons .

  2. I don't understand the problem with babies over 12 months having a bottle.  Perhaps you shouldn't be so judgmental when you don't know other people's circumstances.  Many women breastfeed well past 12 months, so why not bottlefeed?

    My daughter took her bottle until she was 14 months. Big deal!  She was underweight and needed to gain some weight so was kept on formula a bit longer.

    I agree that by 2, it's kind of silly, but there's a big difference between 12 months and 2 years.

    Do you seriously think that a baby who takes a bottle at 13 months is going to grow up to be insecure and dependent?  How ridiculous.

    And just because a baby over one year is still taking formula for whatever reason, means the parents are "lazy"????

  3. I sure don't know why.. They probably to busy to do anything or they want their children to stay babies longer..

  4. What's it to you what celebrities do with their children? If women were smart, they'd all be nursing their babies. No bottles required AND nursing beyond 12 months is more beneficial than anyone can imagine. Studies have shown numerous advantages, but still more lie within the fabric of the human psyche, anatomy...

    IQs are, at least, 15 points higher with breast feeding and bottles harbor bacteria when formula sits for too long. Bottles are disgusting. The bottle nipple is poorly designed for the infant/toddler's mouth.

    What's more, there is a reason Mother Nature created the breast harboring milk ducts. Why do people think that milk comes in after a baby is born?

    Ditch the bottle, use the breast. Breast is best for babies.

    BTW: I am not in the least bit surprised that children have issues with weight and such; these are bottle fed babies. Both my babies were nursed. They have the healthiest appetites and the most robust immune systems. While their peers were getting ear infections (mine did not), they wouldn't miss school. Their IQ's are pretty high, as well. Nursing is thumbed by most of western society, and of course, most of western society, in recent adult generations, were bottle fed. Shame...

    How do people think that their great grandparents got fed, eh? If your answer is formula, you're an idiot. Sippy cup at 7 months is not beneficial for a child. It's a no-brainer that this child is malnourished. I breast fed my babies for a long time and they were never malnourished. The mother's body and the baby can gauge how much or how little. It's something that human kind is still studying for answers to this great phenomena.

    It's a mother's right to choose between bottle and breast, but if a mother chooses breast, don't fault her for being well informed. Educate yourself, first, before you make a decision. If you make the decision to bottle feed, you need to make sure that you are aware that the risks are a lot higher for more health issues with your baby, ie, malnourishment, ear infections, viral infections, bacterial infections, fevers, etc, etc, etc. Breast fed babies rarely get sick. I wonder why?

    Marketing is the reason behind westerner's brainwashing, and the belief that the breast is not to be used in feeding an infant/toddler, is completely the fault of these companies.

    People need to rise above the ignorance.

    If you bottle feed your child. Don't come crying to a mother who nurses her child and wonder why your baby's getting sick. We'll just tell you, "I told you so"...

  5. I nursed my first until he was ready to wean. I can't nurse my second, but I will cuddle him with a bottle at bedtime until he's ready to give it up.

    I don't really see the big deal, unless the child is wandering around with a bottle full of juice or milk all the time. That -- along with wandering around with sippy cups full of juice or milk -- is begging for cavities.

  6. It's actually very common. I think people don't realize it's much easier to take a 1 year old off a bottle than it is a 2 or 3 year old.

  7. Whats it too u that my daughter who is 20 months is is still on a bottle??

    She is a confident and smart little girl who is very independant and very secure within herself..

    My two elder boys were on bottles untill they were over 2 and theres certaintly nothing wrong with them, my eldest is starting school next year and is also a very independant child, what a stupid thing to say that i want them to stay babies forever, as someone else said its acceptable for a mother to still breastfeed her child well past 2 so why not alow a child to have a bottle when they go to bed...

    Everybody seems to find it acceptable that a child at the age of 5, 6 or sevn still wears pullups to bed...

    If im that bad for giving my child a bottle because its a comfort thing for them and helps them sleep why were both my boys toilet trained day and night by the age of 2 and my little girl is day toilet trained..

    Well it seems that with all this going on its seems that im a very bad mummy.......

  8. lazy parents.  i can't stand it.

  9. I agree with you! I am so tired of seeing Suri Cruise with a bottle in her mouth. There's no reason she should still have one other than lazy parenting.

  10. It's total laziness in my opinion. that or they want to keep their kids babies forever. its insane. some parents let their child do whatever til the child is "ready" to drop whatever it s on their own (like sleeping in parents bed til 4, breastfeeding til 4  ect...

  11. I have three kids.  One of them I took off the bottle at 12 months exactly.  the others were later - one was 2, the other 18  months.  They are now 7, 5 and 4 and all equally secure and independant.  

    My point is - who cares??  Why is 12 months this magical age that the bottles must disappear?   there are worse things in life, trust me.

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