
Bottom bar on windows xp is gone HELP?!?

by  |  earlier

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i logged onto my computer and the bottom bar is just blue, no start no tabs to get to my internet that i left up..nothing. i got to my internet my hitting control-alt-dlt and clicking on it on the tasks section, how do i get it back?




  1. I bet it has closed up. Look for a silver line at the bottom of the screen, that will be it.

    Grab it with the mouse and pull it up

    I have never heard of Firefox doing that and I have used it for around 8 years

  2. go to control panel and then to taskbar and menu or you can just scroll down to see if you can grab it up

  3. I've had this before, if you haven't already tried, restart your computer.

    sometimes windows will automatically close a task (especially firefox) if you left it open for a very long time and it will accidentally close the wrong task.

    try restarting your computer.

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