
Boudoir photo shoot questions?

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I am giving my live in boyfriend of more than 2 1/2 years photos for his 29th birthday. I can trust him not to share them with anyone & keep them private. My photographer is an older female. My sitting fee is $100. Out of my hour session w/ as many clothing changes as I can fit in I can pick what I like & then pay per print. She did not go into detail on pricing. What can I expect for pricing on the prints & what sizes do most offer? I chose her b/c she was female & out of my locals who do this type of photography, she fit into my budget. Can anyone tell me what to expect?




  1. First off, that's a delightful birthday present you are giving to your bf ... kudos to you for thinking about a personal touch as a present!

    I strongly suggest that you do two things before commiting to this photographer and any pricing:

    (1) Review her work ... online if possible and, if not, take the time to go to her studio and review her work.

    Be sure to select pics that you find attractive and then discuss the composition, the clothing, and lighting in those particular pics; finally ask her to price those pics per different sizes

    (2) Get a price list in advance and in writing.  You don't want any cost surprises after you go through all the planning, posing, etc. and, inthe end, are not able to afford to purchase the very pics you want the most.

    Neither of these two (above) issues are unreasonable and, in fact, these are standard practices in all photography ... just because it's "boudoir" photography does not mean that ethical business practices do not apply.

    Also, be mindful of selecting clothing that accentuates your skin tone as well as the mood you want to convey.  I mention this because more often than not, our skin is exposed considerabl more than in an "average" picture ... as such, both you and the photographer need be mindful of that.

    And finally, consider cutting back on multiple outfits as that takes time (unchanging, changing) and cuts into the hour you have.  Instead, spend some time thinking about a small selection of outfits that can be easily complimented by the addition -or removal- of a selective piece of clothing.

    Have fun -and Happy B'day to your boyfriend!

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