
Bought POTC: At World's End blu-ray high def. for my ps3, where are the special features i.e. behind the scene

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The only special feature I can get is the bloopers reel and that's not very good. I push menu on my ps3 controller and it brings up only one page with none of the goodies it says it has on the back of the cd case. Anyone know whats up? Thanks in advance.




  1. yeah blu-ray secial features totally suck.....hd dvd may be a dying breed but the special features are far far better than blu

  2. Blu-Ray was simply not fully ready when it was brought to market.  Unfortunately, their competition (HD DVD) was rolling out their players and Blu-Ray was left with a dilemma.  Rather than allowing HD DVD to earn market share without competition, they essentially brought their players to market prematurely (one could easily say that HD DVD did as well,though not to the degree of Blu-Ray).  So the BDA (Blu-Ray's governing body) came up with a system of profiles.  Most current players are profile 1.0.  Any player released after Nov 1,2007 had to be profile 1.1 compliant (also called Bonus View). This essentially forces the player to have more memory, be capable of PIP,  and be able to decode secondary audio.  Profile 2.0 (also called BD-Live) will be the next (and hopefully last) profile.  It will allow for online interactive extras in dramatically increase the persistent storage.  There are currently NO 2.0 players (though the PS3 will be 2.0 compliany eventually).

    However, since almost no players are 1.1 compliant the studios do not want to spend the extra money to provide extras that most Blu-Ray owners cannot utilize.  So next gen extras on Blu-Rays are often quite anemic.  If you have a 1.0 profile player (all except the Panasonic 30, and PS3) you will never be able to utilize next gen extras on your player, though you should always be able to watch the movie in glorious high bit rate HD.

    For more info on Blu-Ray profiles check out this AVS thread:

  3. Hurricane ... is dead right -- and I don't know why Blu-ray player buyers accept this, but in this case the problem isn't the player.

    The extras are on the 2nd disk (except for the bloopers). See the review and comments on extras at the link.

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